DIY: Neon shoes with nail polish

Love Maegan has the hottest DIY Neon shoes tutorial using nail polish. Make sure you check out her full tutorial here.

- Shoes in near natural/raw leather
- Rubbing alcohol, cloth and q-tips
- Nail polishes, including white
- Nail polish remover and a fine or thin/angled paintbrush.
- Paint brushes
- Painter's tape

1. Using your painter's tape, tape off all areas of your shoe that you don't wish to paint.
2. Using rubbing alcohol, treat all the areas of the shoes you're going to paint by simply taking a cotton swab doused in alcohol and rubbing it on.
3. Begin with your white paint as a primer and cover all areas that are to be painted. Let you dry over night.
4. Begin painting on your bright neon colors. Use your lightest color first as you can easily paint over any mess ups with your darker color.
5. Let your first coats on all areas dry overnight. Once completely dry, cover each area with a second coat.
6. Using nail polish remover, tidy up any mess-ups.

Voila! Thanks Love Maegan for this HOT tutorial!